I write about finance, management and economy, my book “Money Studies” is out now.
LATE WINTER / EARLY SPRING Upland Chorus Frog Spring Peeper American Toad SPRING / SUMMERBullfrog Green Frog Pickerel Frog Cope’s Gray Treefrog Green Treefrog Bird voiced treefrog Northern Cricket Frog Fowler’s Toad Eastern Narrowmouth Toad WINTER…
Rain Stick Workshop
This workshop provides instructions, supplies, and tools for making a bamboo rain stick. The workshop may take an hour to an hour and a half. Participants should be comfortable using power tools such as a drill. test email
Environmental STREAM
This course includes six hour-long classes covering each aspect of Environmental STREAM – Science, Technology, Reverence, Engineering, Art, and Math over the course of six weeks.
Naturalist Explorer Journaling
This club meets monthly to explore nature together, learn about naturalists and explorers, and investigate the different journaling methods and techniques used by them throughout history.
Basic Tree Ring Reading
Participants learn the basics of reading and translating data from tree rings, also known as dendrochronology. We’ll discuss native trees, their form and function, their cultural significance, examine a cross-section, discuss dendrochronology, and make a tree cookie talisman.
Hiking Basics & Trail Safety
Learn the basic essentials of safe, recreational hiking. Individuals learn what to bring on a hike, importance of remaining on designated trails, purpose of ELM markers, how to identify and avoid hazards, how to behave during an encounter with animals/insects,…
Hidden Secrets of the Forest
Guide accompanies Participants on a nature hike exploring the Piedmont Region, Ecological Services, Signs of Wildlife, Edible & Medicinal Plants, and Foraging for Function & Art. This is the abridged version of the Hidden Secrets of the Forest complete course.
Intro to Environmental STREAM
A basic introduction to the Environmental STREAM concept. Participants become familiar with Environmental STREAM concepts, values, mission. Participants will engage in a seasonally appropriate program and activity.
Tracks & Signs of Wildlife
Participants learn to identify some of the visual signs that wildlife has been in an area, as well as distinguishing and identifying common animal tracks. Participants will also cast a track with plaster to take home. Fill out the form…
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